I just want to move, I don't care what the song's about

Ursäkta, men jag är verkligen alldeles för trött/svettig/slicksomrig för att skriva någonting just nu. Mest av allt väntar jag på att Micke ska fixa fram fotona från England ur den jävla digitalkameran. Som någon sorts utfyllnad lägger jag in den här purfärska singelrecensionen från www.bbc.co.uk:

The Pipettes: Pull Shapes

A good 90% of this song shouldn't work at all, y'know. It's kitschy, it's dated, it sounds a little bit too much like the Sheilas' Wheels advert - and yet somehow we still love it.

We reckon the trick is that the three ladies in question stay just the right side of smugness, and the sheer chantability of the soaring enormo-chorus clinches the handshake. Even if one of the lines appears to be "there's a hot floppy forest, just for you and me", which we're sure we must have misheard. The sweeping girly harmonies are actually MADE of big grins, and it left us all dreamy and sighful.

And there's the added fun of pulling shapes whenever the girls ask you to. Our favourite was a pentagon.

Rating: Five out of Five


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